Ogier Global The point of innovation At Ogier, we like to challenge the status quo. Whether we are pioneering new Ogier 'One Best Way' ways to service clients or fostering a Rede昀椀ning how we deliver legal culture of continuous improvement, services innovation is at the heart of Our Ogier One Best Way portal everything we do. enables our lawyers and professionals to access re昀椀ned It all starts with our clients. Ogier’s process maps with smart-links to drive to innovate stems from our the legal template documents commitment to providing a needed to complete a transaction. market-leading service that empowers clients. The One Best Way process drives An innovation mind-set 昀椀rm-wide collaboration to de昀椀ne and document the best way of Transforming the delivery of delivering legal services, helping to professional services surface historic blind-spots, drive We are achieving this through a process e昀케ciencies and bring cultural revolution to embed an alignment and consistency to innovation mind-set throughout service delivery. our business, equipping our people with continuous improvement tools Ogier Connect and techniques. Empowering clients on-the-go Designed by our Ogier Global team, Our executive-level sponsored Ogier Connect is an easy-to-use programme is based around portal that provides clients with innovation, e昀케ciency and round-the-clock, real-time access consistency and it leverages the to the latest statutory documents, proven success of continuous registers of ownership, board packs, improvement methodology within invoices and more. It uses leading non-legal industries. encryption technology for client security. Ogier's continued investment in its people and technology is Ogier Connect is available to Ogier transforming the delivery of Global clients. For more information professional services to our global speak to your usual Ogier contact client network. Lean Six Sigma Continuous improvement culture Ogier has invested in a continuous improvement culture across the 昀椀rm. Our entire team is Lean Six Sigma White Belt quali昀椀ed, in昀氀uencing their decisions on a day- to-day basis to do the right things, and do those things right. 6 Fund Administration

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